I Spent Megamoney At Megamind

Oh. My. God! I took my kid to see Megamind yesterday (Sunday) afternoon and now I’m so far in debt it isn’t even funny.

First off: total disclosure…I’m cheap. I can squeeze a dime out of a nickel. But can someone PLEASE tell me why a box of Milk Duds cost $5 at a theater and only $1 ANYWHERE ELSE? So, yes, I sneak candy into the theater. (But probably not anymore after this post…I will most likely be tackled and frisked upon entering the theater lobby now, I’m sure.)

So we stuff the Big Purse with Snow Caps and Milk Duds and head to the movie theater. For a 3:20 matinée. Which cost me $24.50! I almost swallowed my tongue. That’s nearly what I spend on groceries in a week. When did this happen? Dear Hollywood, is the technology that goes into making those 3D glasses so advanced that you have to double the price of a matinée ticket to break even? Do you actually WANT people to see your movie? Or just curse the day that you were born? And then it still cost me $10 for 2 SMALL DRINKS!

I am so thankful that, at the very least, I can say the movie was wonderful. Go see Megamind…but head over to the bank for a loan first.

About Humdinger

On the air...behind the scenes. I'm TV duct tape.
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3 Responses to I Spent Megamoney At Megamind

  1. Amanda Marks says:

    OMG!!! I had no idea it was that expensive. Jeff said if I pay that much I want bouncers at the door to throw people out! The last movie I saw in the theater was Sideways (Feb ’05)- lol! We have Netflix $14.95 a month 2 disks unlimited. I can drink a beer and curl up with my Packer Snuggie 😀

  2. Sam Folk says:

    The last movie I went to see was Harry Potter Year 5 (whenever that was). I’m so sick and tired of hearing about actor’s salaries ($15M per movie for Will Ferrell???) and actor’s divorce settlements/child support payments and that they lost $1M on selling their $25M houses (gasp!) that I’d rather pay for my AT&T U-verse and watch the movies on HBO!!!

  3. Jeff Marks says:

    Again, I turn to Hank Hill for his infinite wisdom. In reference to movie popcorn, he was heard to remark, “it’s 40 cents a pound when you feed it to pigs. And it’s THE SAME CORN.”

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